E-Notes 1

E - Note means English - Note.

July,19th,2022,Tue.July, 19^{th}, 2022, Tue.

Q1: Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into film?

A1: Yes, I have read some novels whick have been adapted inot a blockbuster, such as Harry Potter, which is quite popular among young people. These books are good talking points.

Q2: Do you want to be shown in the advertisement?

A2: No, I don't want to shown in the advertisement because I am not that person who wants to be an online celebrity. In my opinion / personally / as far as I am concerned, going viral online could be a trouble which is out of my contral. Although I may possibly make a lot of money / earn a fortune, privacies of myself may face a large risk of being leaked.

  • leak 泄露.

Vocabulary & Article

  • conduct a livestream 进行一场直播。
  • go viral 走红。
  • keep up with 跟上。
  • fashion trend 流行趋势。
  • anchor 主播。
  • productive 富有成效的。
  • be satisfied with = be pleased with sth... 对 ... 满意
  • make up one's mind to do ... = be determined to do ... 下定决心去做
  • make progress in ... 取得进步
  • take action to do ... 采取行动
  • further improve 进一步改善
  • overcome diffivulties 克服困难


Topic: 网络主播

Nowadays / With the development of the modern technology/ With the advance of the modern technology / With the rapid development of the modern cociety , more and more/ an increasing number of middle school students are keeping up with the fashion trend tightly. Some of them even become the anchors on the Internet, but some parents do not think students be allowed to do that.

As middle school students, we should be allowed to do something we like, but I think the good education is the main road for us to have a bright future. Additionally, we can achieve our dreams by studying hard. Any way, no one can be lucky enough to get everything without any effort. So I think we should pay more attention to our studies now.


Q1: 你学习越努力,你取得的进步就越大。
A1: The harder you study, the more progress you will make.

Q2: 初中生应该多读书。
A2: Middle school students ought to / are supposed to / are expected to read as many books as you opssibly can.

Q3: 我们应该充分利用好时机去做有用的、富有成效的事情。
A3: We are expected to make full use of our time to do useful and productive things.

Q4: 没有什么比接受教育更重要的事情了。
A4: Nothing is more important than to receive education.

Q5: 我们需要充分认识到教育对我们的未来是多么的重要。
A5: We should fully realize that the education is extremely essential / crucial / significant / important / vital to our future.

Q6: 如今,老师和家长都对学生上网现象即为担心。
A6: Nowadays, both teachers and parents worry a great deal about the students' using the Internet.

Q7: 我们被赋予了新的机会和面临着行动挑战。
A7: We are blessed with new opportunties and faced with new challenges.

Q8: 我认为学生应该平衡好工作和学习两方面。
A8: I think students should balance well between work and study.